Thursday, July 19, 2007

It's My Turn - The Chain Letter of Blogging

I've been tagged by Scott Monty to come up with 8 interesting things to share about myself so here goes:
  1. I was born in Tehran, Iran just before the revolution. My dad was in the US military and that's where we lived at the time. In fact he was one of the American hostages but was luckily released after 2-months as opposed to some who were there over a year.
  2. I went to 8 different schools K-12, lived in 4 different countries (Iran, Italy, Germany & of course the United States) and still to this day have never lived in the same house for more than 3-years. No, my family wasn't dysfunctional - I'm just a military brat.

  3. I've been told I can do a good impression of Rosie Perez - "Billy, what did you do Billy I can't believe you lost the money again."

  4. I can't drive. I got in my first accident at age 15. I was speeding around a turn, lost control and hit a "johnny pump."
    At 16 I skidded over a medium and three lanes of oncoming traffic.
    At 19 I ran into a parked car.
    At 22 I had my snow chains on the wrong set of wheels so I hit a patch of black and skidded into a truck which stopped me from going over a cliff.
    Good times!
  5. I started playing soccer for the first time as an adult five years ago. I fell in love with the game and I'm now on 3 different leagues (indoor & outdoor).

  6. I'm a dog lover and I have two very cute puppies - Chewy & Diva.

  7. My husband and I have been taking dance lessons for a little over a year now and we can dance Cha-Cha, Rumba, Swing and Salsa and we're pretty good too.
  8. I went on my dream vacation last summer - Tanzania for 14-days. It was awesome and I totally recommend it!

Tag, you're it

If you're up for it tell the blogosphere a little bit about yourself...

Matt Dickman
Michael Stelzner
Jeremiah Owyang
Richard Derks
Scott Bauman
Maureen Grey
Max Kalehoff
Christian Renaud

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, by accident I read this story about you. It is really nice to read a bit more about you. I knew you were special, like a 6th sense thing, but your lifestory is very interesting.
It would be great to talk a bit more about the 2.0 world and what you are doing now with all the gained knowledge.
Take care!